Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines adalah maskapai penerbangan nasional Singapura. Kode IATA dari Singapore Airlines adalah SQ sedangkan Kode ICAO nya adalah SIA. Singapore Airlines adalah salah satu maskapai terbaik dan tersukses di Asia dengan penerbangan ke Eropa, Amerika Utara, serta Asia dan Australia. Penerbangan ke beberapa kota Asia Tenggara, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, dan India ditangani oleh SilkAir sedangkan kargonya ditangani oleh Singapore Airlines Cargo. Mengikuti tren pesawat dengan tarif murah (low-cost carrier), Singapore Airlines membuka Tiger Airways yang juga bermarkas di Bandara Internasional Changi Singapura.
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di Singapore Airlines. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai/karyawan yang siap untuk bergabung dan bekerja. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja Singapore Airlines
Lokasi; Jakarta, Tipe Pekerjaan; Full Time, Pendidikan; S1, Pengalaman Kerja; 0-2 Tahun, Jumlah Formasi; 1
Cabin Crew (Hongkong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore)
We will be conducting interviews for cabin crew in Jakarta, Indonesia.
If you meet the following requirements, we will be pleased to receive your application:
- Fluent in English with good communication skills
- Pleasant personality and service-oriented
- Minimum height requirement of at least 1.58 for females in order to carry out safety and emergency procedures onboard
- Possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university
- Willing to relocate to Singapore
- Willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond
- Former SIA Cabin Crew are welcome to apply
Online application is now open until 31 October 2022. Selected applicants will receive a link to complete a video interview online. Candidates who are shorlisted will be invited to attend our final interviews.
Selected applicants will receive a link to complete a video interview online. Candidates who are shortlisted will be invited to attend our final interviews.
Remuneration & Service Benefits
During training, you will receive a basic salary. Upon graduation and commencement of duties, you will be given an attractive salary package with allowances based on your flight patterns and flying hours.
You will be based in Singapore and offered a 5-year employment contract initially. Additional 5-year contracts may be offered based on job performance. Apart from competitive remuneration, you will be granted free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times. There is an attractive annual leave scheme, medical and dental treatment scheme, as well as comprehensive training programmes.
Singapore Airlines conducts direct recruitment and does not engage any third-party agencies / companies for our cabin crew recruitment. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit your application via the official Singapore Airlines career page only. Any parties or media platforms that claim to represent Singapore Airlines have no authority to recruit or engage with applicants on behalf of the airline and the airline will not be responsible for any information shared by the applicant with any such third party and/or the conduct of any such third party.
We thank all candidates for their interest in Singapore Airlines, and regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notifie
Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi sesuai yang di butuhkan kirim CV terbaru dan berkas lamaran, daftarkan diri Anda ke:
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses selanjutnya. Proses rekrutmen & seleksi Pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.