Perhimpunan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) Indonesia

Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) adalah organisasi antarbangsa yang didirikan pada tanggal 24 Oktober 1945 untuk mendorong kerjasama antarbangsa. Badan ini merupakan pengganti Liga Bangsa-Bangsa, dan didirikan setelah Perang Dunia II untuk mencegah terjadinya konflik serupa. Pada saat didirikan, PBB memiliki 51 negara anggota; saat ini terdapat 193 anggota. Selain negara anggota, beberapa organisasi antarbangsa, dan organisasi antarnegara mendapat tempat sebagai pengamat permanen yang mempunyai kantor di Markas Besar PBB, dan ada juga yang hanya berstatus sebagai pengamat.
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di Perhimpunan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) Indonesia. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai/karyawan yang siap untuk bergabung dan bekerja. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja Perhimpunan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) Indonesia
Lokasi; Jakarta, Tipe Pekerjaan; Volunteer, Pendidikan; S1, Pengalaman Kerja; 0-2 Tahun, Jumlah Formasi; 8
1. Outreach Officer
General Information
- Title : Outreach Officer
- Unit : Department of Communications and Outreach
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in community outreach, public relations, government relations, and project management is an advantage;
- Knowledge of Indonesia and the United Nations’ works, system, and communication style is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
2. Communication – Graphic Designer
General Information
- Title : Graphic Designer
- Unit : Department of Communications and Outreach
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in graphic design, illus tration, multimedia and corporate design, is an advantage.
- Knowledge of Indonesia and the United Nations’ works, system, and communication style is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
3. Communication – Social Media Specialist
General Information
- Title : Social Media Specialist
- Unit : Department of Communications and Outreach
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in communications, or social media handling, or public relations positions is an advantage;
- Knowledge of Indonesia and the United Nations’ works, system, and communication style is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
4. Communication – Copywriter
General Information
- Title : Copywriter
- Unit : Department of Communications and Outreach
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in copywriting, content writing, content creating, proofreading is an advantage;
- Knowledge of Indonesia and the United Nations’ works, system, and communication style is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
5. Speakers Bureau Officer
General Information
- Title : Speakers Bureau Officer
- Unit : Department of Communications and Speakers Bureau
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in public relations, government relations, and project management is an advantage;
- Knowledge of Indonesia and the United Nations’ works, system, and communication style is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
Internal Affairs
6. Administration & Legal Officer
General Information
- Title : Administration and Legal Officer
- Unit : Department of Internal Affairs
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration (NOT Internship)
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s
level or equivalent); - Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit
institutions is not required but is an advantage; - Experience in administrative and legal positions is an advantage;
- Knowledge of Indonesia and of the UN’s administrative and legal systems is an
advantage. - Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
Program Development
7. Community Forum Officers
General Information
- Title : Program Development Officer – Community Forum
- Unit : Department of Program Development
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program;
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- At least 1 (one) experience in project management;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in outreach/communication positions is an advantage.
- The eagerness to unlearn and relearn about project development, supported by a strong commitment and willpower.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
8. Research & Development Officers
General Information
- Title : Program Development Officer – Research and Development
- Unit : Department of Program Development
- Organization : United Nations Association Indonesia
- Location : Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia OR remote with an agreement
- Date Required : As soon as possible
- Type : Voluntary Work – No Remuneration
- Working Hour : Flexible – with approximately up to 10 work hours per week
- Be enrolled in a first university degree program or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
- Familiarity with the United Nations, its goal, and ideals;
- At least 1 (one) experience in project management;
- Experience in international organizations, political, government, or other non-profit institutions is not required but is an advantage;
- Experience in outreach/communication positions is an advantage.
- Fluency in Indonesian and English is required for this position.
Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi sesuai yang di butuhkan kirim CV terbaru dan berkas lamaran, daftarkan diri Anda ke:
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses selanjutnya. Proses rekrutmen & seleksi Pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.