Lowongan Kerja PT Energi Batu Hitam (EBH)

PT Energi Batu Hitam (EBH) adalah bagian dari salah satu grup terbesar dan sangat terkemuka, yang beroperasi dan merupakan pemimpin pasar di berbagai segmen bisnis di Indonesia. Untuk mendukung eksplorasi pertambangan batubara dan pengembangan produksi di Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur.
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di PT Energi Batu Hitam (EBH). Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan. Kesempatan ini dibuka bagi pelamar yang memiliki kualifikasi Pendidikan minimal S1. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
1. Coal Processing Plant Supervisor
- Responsibility for carrying out a coal processing process from ROM
- Maximizing quality production processing and serving marketing according to Quality & Quantity
- Make plans to carry out periodic repairs and maintenance so that the condition of the equipment is maintained
- Male, age max 40 years, possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering, Geology or equivalent
- Having POP and well knowledge in K3 & SMKP
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Crushing plant & Coal Processing Supervisor
- Having highly leadership, good communication, highly motivated, hard works under pressures and good teamwork building
- Have knowledge about Stockpile&Coal Quality
- Ready to work at Site, West Kutai, East Kalimantan
2. Mining Production Supervisor
- Monitoring & controll production progress & achievement, heavy equipment performance, all of subordinate (manpower) performance, fuel consumption, blasting performance, long distance hauling performance, pit drainage, barging & mine infrastructure.
- Prepare progress evaluation report (weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual).
- Prepare production achievement and analysis report based on planned and actual; and it’s problem solving for any reason of production target fail.
- Taking care of mine product quality in pit, ROM, stockpile and barging/shipment.
- Lead production team effectively and provide necessary leadership
- Male, age max 40 years, possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering or equivalent
- Having POP and well knowledge in K3 & SMKP
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Mining Production Supervisor
- Good understanding about drilling, blasting, & coal geology
- Capable of operating software (MS Office & basic Minescape/AutoCAD)
- Having highly leadership, good communication, highly motivated, hard works under pressures and good teamwork building
- Have & good understanding of wide range mining equipment application
- Ready to work at Site, West Kutai, East Kalimantan
3. Safety Officer
- Implementation HSE management system and programs
- Taking care low accident risk & prepare report to supervisor
- Male, Max 35 years, Possess min Diploma Degree in Environment, Engineering or Forestry or equivalent
- Understands about SMKP or relevant regulation
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Safety Officer
- Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
4. Environment Supervisor
- Develop Environmental management system and programs
- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of HSE program
- Ensure compliance with all relevant legislative requirement, codes of practices, guidelines and regulatory requirements by each Country Operations team
- Male, Max 35 years, Possess Bachelor Degree in Environment, Engineering, Forestry or equivalent
- Understands relevant Indonesian as well as international SHE standards
- Understand about AMDAL, RKL, RPL, RR & RPT Document
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as HSE/Environment
- Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
5. Maintenance Supervisor
- Supervise the work of technicians and teams in carrying out corrective or preventive maintenance to ensure the smoothness of production process
- Analyze all problems that occur in the area based on quality, delivery, and safety
- Coordination with all department about prevent guideline trouble equipment
- Male, Max 40 years, Possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, or equivalent
- Required Skills: maintenance Scheduling, production machines, machine reparation and maintenance skills, standards of quality management and report activity
- At least 3 years of working experiences in mining companies as Maintenance Supervisor
- Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
6. Electric Forman
- Coordination with the maintenance supervisor on repair or development plans.
- Ensuring the specifications and installation Electrical standards are being strictly followed and the drawings correctly interpreted
- Provide periodical works progress reports as required
- Responsible for scheduling, inspections, quality control, and job site safety about electrical
- Male, Max 40 years, Possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Electrical/Electronic,Mechanical), or equivalent.
- Required Skills: Electrical, production machines, machine reparation and maintenance skills, standards of quality management and food safety, and report activity.
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Electrical forman
- Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
7. Mechanic Foreman
- Coordination with the maintenance supervisor on repairing heavy equipment
- Handle all maintenance Site support machine
- Provide periodical works progress reports as required
- Responsible for scheduling, inspections, quality control, and job site safety about electrical
- Male, Max 40 years, Possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Electrical/Electronic,Mechanical), or equivalent.
- Required Skills: Electrical, production machines, machine reparation and maintenance skills, standards of quality management and report activity.
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Mechanic Foreman
- Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
8. Coal Quality Supervisor
- Able to control the quality of incoming and outgoing coal
- Can find out when coal comes in, in what quantity and how quality.
- Avoid items piling up in the stockpile for too long.
- Stockpile samples can be done to re-check the quality of the goods if needed.
- Male, age max 40 years, possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering or Geology.
- Having POP or another Certificate mining
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Coal Quality Supervisor
- Good understanding to maintain and care for coal quality
- Having highly leadership, good communication, highly motivated, hard works under pressures and good teamwork building.
- Ready to work at Site, West Kutai, East Kalimantan
9. Coal Quality Foreman
- Coordination with the supervisor about coal quality target
- Ensure the process of entering and leaving coal in the stockpile runs smoothly
- Able to control the quality of incoming and outgoing coal
- Can find out when coal comes in, in what quantity and how quality
- Avoid items piling up in the stockpile for too long
- Male, age max 40 years, possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering or equivalent.
- At least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Coal Quality Foreman
- Good understanding to maintain and care for coal quality
- Having highly leadership, good communication, highly motivated, hard works under pressures and good teamwork building.
- Ready to work at Site, West Kutai, East Kalimantan
10. Coal Hauling Supervisor
- Ensure coal transportation production activities in the field according to SOP and Target
- Make daily, weekly and monthly production reports
- It is preferable to be able to make a budget forecast for the hauling project that is being led
- Male, age max 40 years, possess at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining/ Geology
- Has at least 3 years of working experiences in coal mining companies as Coal Hauling Supervisor
- Has excellent communication and able to operate heavy equipment
- Ready to work at Site, West Kutai, East Kalimantan
Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi sesuai yang di butuhkan silahkan daftarkan diri dengan mengirim berkas lamaran ke berikut:
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses selanjutnya. Proses rekrutmen & seleksi Pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun