Lowongan Kerja PT Blue Bird Tbk

PT. Blue Bird Tbk (BIRD) bergerak di bidang transportasi taksi. Perusahaan memulai kegiatan komersialnya pada tahun 2001. Perusahaan ini merupakan bagian dari Blue Bird Group. Perusahaan beroperasi di Jakarta, Cilegon, Serang, Medan, Manado, Bandung, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru dan Batam. Kini, Blue Bird melayani lebih dari 8,5 juta penumpang setiap bulannya dengan 26,000 armada yang tersebar di sejumlah kota besar di Indonesia. Kini layanan Blue Bird Group dapat dinikmati termasuk Jakarta dan sekitarnya, Bali, Bandung, Banten, Batam, Lombok, Manado, Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya dan Yogyakarta. Juga di jantung pusat bisnis dan tujuan wisata di seluruh negeri. Blue Bird juga telah memperluas jenis layanannya, mulai dari taksi eksekutif (Silver bird), layanan limousine dan penyewaan mobil (Golden bird), bus carter (Big bird), Logistik (Iron Bird Logistic), Industri (Restu Ibu Pusaka-Karoseri bus & Pusaka Niaga Indonesia), Properti (Holiday Resort Lombok & Pusaka Bumi Mutiara), Layanan Pendukung (Hermis Consulting-IT SAP, Pusaka Integrasi Mandiri-EDC, Pusaka GPS, Pusaka Buana Utama-SPBU) dan Alat Berat (Pusaka Andalan Perkasa & Pusaka Bumi Transportasi).
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di PT. Blue Bird Tbk (BIRD). Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
1. Recruitment and Assessment Specialist (REC)
Responbility for fullfillment of human resources Blue Bird Group, including all recruitment and assessment process (sourcing potential candidates from talent pooling, various online channels)
Qualifications :
- Male / Female, maximum age 30 years old
- Bachelor’s degree in Pschology, with GPA 3.00
- Have a good experience at recruitment and assessment process, min 1 year experience
- Have a good personality and like to interract with other people
- Understanding and mastering psychological test tools
- Can work initiative targets , Disclipine , responsible and consistent
- Excellent communication and good interpersonal skill
- Understanding and usually used Ms. Office
- Preferably to join early January 2022
2. HR Staff (HRS)
Responsible for fulfillment of human resources, especially for drivers taxi.
Qualifications :
- Male, maximum age 30 years old
- Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, HR, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, Forestry
- Able to drive a car and preferably have SIM A
- Able to operate Ms Office
- Excellent communication and good interpersonal skill
3. Data Analyst
Analyze various kinds of data and reprocess it as a basis for making decisions or business strategies. As a data analyst, must be able to present reports on the results of data processing.
Qualifications :
- Male / Female
- Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Engineering (all major)
- Required skill(s) : Microsoft Office, data analyst skills
- At least min 1 year of working experience in the related field
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
4. General Affair Staff (GA)
Responsible for the work of the GA section such as preparing facilities and infrastructure, licensing, and others.
Qualifications :
- Male, maximum age 28 years old
- Bachelor’s degree in all majors
- Able to operate Ms Office
- Willing to work shifts (including night shift)
- Like field work
- Excellent communication and able to work in a team
5. Operational Staff (OPS)
Responsible for all vehicle unit operations on operasional department.
Qualifications :
- Male, max. 30 years old
- Min. Diploma degree
- Have work experience min. 6 month (preferably as Operational or Admin Staff)
- Have good communication and negotiation skills
- Excellent in Microsoft Office
Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi sesuai yang di butuhkan silahkan daftarkan diri:
send your CV to email :
(Subject email : Code Position_Name)
Example : REC_Amelia Nissa
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses selanjutnya. Proses rekrutmen & seleksi Pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun