Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air adalah unsur pelaksana di lingkungan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia yang bertugas menyelenggarakan perumusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya air sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Kabar baik bagi pelamar yang tertarik untuk bekerja di Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum . Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai/karyawan yang siap untuk bergabung dan bekerja. Informasi lebih lanjut simak keterangan dibawah ini:
Lowongan Kerja Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Lokasi; Jakarta, Tipe Pekerjaan; Full Time, Pendidikan; S1, Pengalaman Kerja; 5 Tahun, Jumlah Formasi; 4
Konsultan Individu Program Nufrep 2025
Posisi :
1. Hydrology/Climate Change Specialist
Qualifications :
- Master’s Degree (S2) in Civil/Water Resources/Meteorology Engineering or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years of relevant experience in the field of civil water engineering or climate change.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of working experience as hydrology or climate change specialist.
- Have competent technical knowledge and skills in performing hydrological modeling, hydrological data analysis, data interpretation, and operate related hydrological software such as HEC-HMS, SOBEK, NeoPerdas, SPSS, etc.
- Have the ability to analyze complex hydrological data, predict water flow patterns, flood modelling, and flood risk analysis
- Preferably to have certification in the field of hyrdology or water resources
- Have technical knowledge and experience in climate change analysis and familiar with technical standards and government regulations related to climate change.
- Preferably to have working experience with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.).
- Preferable to have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
2. FFEWS Specialist
Qualifications :
- Master’s degree in civil engineering/water resources engineering or relevant discipline with 5 (five) years of working experiences in water resources projects or with similiar scope of activities, especially related to FFEWS.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of work experience as FFEWS specialist, especially relation to operational experience of FFEWS working experience as FFEWS specialist and had demonstrated knowledge in FFEWS through applying and developing hydrological models, especially the distributed ones based on multi-source data.
- Have significant experience on operational flood forecasting and early warning services, working with relevant warning authorities (e.g. national mateorological, hydrogical or disaster management agencies.
- Preferably to have a water resources engineering expertise certificate of at least intermediate level.
- Preferably to have working experience with the government in water resources project funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.)
- Preferable to have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
- Preferably to have familiarity with technical standards, building code, government regulations related of FFEWS and disaster risk management.
3. System Analyst Specialist
Qualifications :
- Have a bachelor’s degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering/computer science/information system or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years of relevant experience in the field of developing systems, creating web and mobile based applications.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of working experience as a system analysis specialist or similar position.
- Have experience in using analysis tools and software such as UML (Unfied Modeling Language), data flows diagrams, use case diagrams, and other analysis tools that are commonly used.
- Preferably, to have working experience with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc).
- Preferably, have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
4. IT Specialist
Qualifications :
- Have a Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering/computer science/information technology or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years or relevant experience in planning, design and implementation of software/IT solutions, including developing web-based applications.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) of working experience as IT specialist or similar position.
- Have experience in using analysis tools and software such as UML (Unfied Modeling Language), data flow diagrams, use case diagrams, and other analysis tools are often required.
- Preferably, to have working experience with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc).
- Preferably, have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
Catatan :
- Lokasi kerja di Kantor Pusat Ditjen SDA, Jakarta Selatan
- Durasi kerja 5 bulan sejak bulan Februari
- Gaji mulai 15 Juta Rupiah/bulan
Berikut Tahapan Pendaftaran
kirim CV dan berkas lamaran terbaru Anda ke:
Batas pendaftaran tanggal 31 Januari 2025
Pada setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem gugur. Hanya kandidat terbaik dan memenuhi persyaratan yang berhak mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya. Pelamar wajib mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi.